New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 and onward

New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024

A Revolutionary step in Education System in Pakistan: New Grading System

In 21st century, educational systems around the world have been undergoing remarkable changes.  Pakistan stands far behind in the up gradation in its educational system. In this article we will discuss New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024. Statistics from the UNESCO and the World Bank show that Pakistan is ranked at 150thin Education System, stands  at 188th in Literacy rate(56.44%) and ranked at 130th in School Achievement (Students Learning outcomes)programs. Keeping all these facts and figures in view, Pakistan is going to bring some revolutionary reforms in its education system. Grading system is one of those remarkable changes which could be seen in Pakistan’s Education System.

The Current Examination System

The traditional Examination system has been criticized for its limitations. The current examination system encompasses on the learning power and memory of the students. The students who show good qualities in cramming or rote obtain good marks in their examination while the students having other qualities like creative abilities, skills, techniques, critical thinking, and other potentials have to bear the brunt of failure in their exams. So change in this system was the need of the hour.

New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 and onwarde

Global Trends

In 21st century, all the countries are showing a good deal of change in their Educational systems. Especially after the Pandemic of Corona, directions of educations systems have been changing rapidly. The world is showing their concerns for productive education system. The shift of traditional Examination System from Number system to grading system is a great change in this respect.

The New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan

The New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 will discuss in this blog

What is Grading System?

Grading System represents standardized measurement of students’ abilities usually at the end of one course. It helps teachers in categorizing students on the level of their performance. Grades can be represented in letters A++, A+,A, B++,B+, B, ,C,D,E,F (From A to F).  It consists of 10 letters instead of 6 as it was in old grades system. It can also be termed as a process of examination where the focus remains on GPA ( Grade Point Average) or CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)rather than marks obtain in examination.

Grading on a Scale

Grading scale is a measurement of the performance of the students in term of grades in spite of numerical values. It is known as GPA (Grade Point Average) System. Students will acquire grades on the basis of their performance in the examination, such as A++,A+,A,B++,B+,B,C,D,E, and F.

Percentage                         Letter Grade                                      Description                         5 Scale GPA

95% to 100 %                      A++                                                        Exceptional                         5.0

90% to 94 %                        A+                                                          Outstanding                       4.7

85% to 89 %                        A                                                             Excellent                              4.3

80% to 84 %                        B++                                                        Very Good                          4.0

75% to 79 %                        B+                                                           Good                                     3.7

70% to 74 %                        B                                                             Fairly Good                         3.3

60% to 69 %                        C                                                             Above Average                 3.0

50% to 59 %                        D                                                             Average                               2.0

40% to 49 %                        E                                                              Below Average                 1.0

Less than 40 %                   F                                                              Unsatisfactory                   0

Continuous Assessment

It is a part of grading system in which students are continuously assessed throughout the academic year. This means students’ performance will also be evaluated through assignments, quizzes, projects and presentations further than their final exams.  New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan will ensure the non-stop learning of the students.

Practical Application

This New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan will focus on the practical knowledge and skills of the students. Students with good critical thinking, creativity, learning skills, potentials and other capabilities will have more chances to get good grades.

Challenges and Benefits

Challenges and Benefits in New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 are


The challenges in New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 are

  • Every new change has to face some sort of resistance from the stakeholders: teachers, students and parents.
  • Jumping from traditional Examination to Grading System will take some years to settle its good results.
  • To maintain standardized grading system purely on merit will be a great challenge in Pakistan.
  • It might prove  a costly system of Examination as students will have to pay examination fee twice in a year instead of one time.


The benefits for New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 is

  • This is a good and comprehensive system of evaluation of students’ capabilities.
  • It would release stress of the teachers, students and parents for the final exams.
  • Students’ failure ratio will be controlled
  • It could create a healthier environment for the students
  • It will promote skills, abilities, critical thinking and healthier competition among the students.


New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 is a good step towards Educational Revolution.  It may have to face some problems and limitations in the beginning but it will improve the Educational Rankings of Pakistan by producing skilled and motivated students. Gone are the days when crammers used to rule over the examinations. It is 21stcentury, critical thinkers and creative students will lead from the front now.\


FAQ,s about New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan from 2024 are

Is the new Grading System mandatory for all educational Institutions in Pakistan?

Yes, the New Grading System in Educational Boards in Pakistan is expected to be implemented nationwide with a few necessary changes and with the passage of time almost all the institute will have to adapt this system.

Will the new grading system affect college admissions in Pakistan?

Yes, new grading system will affect the college admissions in the start. Later on Colleges and Universities will change their criteria and after a few years this system will work smoothly.

What will happen to the students who are currently enrolled in the old grading system?

This transition of system will undergo gradually. The running classes will complete their courses according to the old schedule. While the new students in the new classes will have to undergo through this new system.

How will teachers adapt to the assessment approach in new system?

Trainings and awareness about this system will help teachers to adapt these changes effectively.

Is the new grading system similar to the GPA system used in United states?

Yes, It shares a lot of similarities with the GPA System used in United States. There may be some variations in it according to Pakistan’s environment.

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